We need your help to save the food forest!
Please take 5 minutes to help your community and make your voice heard
Reason: Development permit application in review with The City of Calgary to pave over the food forest for 6 parking stalls
What can you do? You can help by writing an email or letter to The City and our Ward Office.
Summary of the issue: The school next to the garden has applied for a development permit to pave over the food forest to create parking stalls and a place for their dumpsters. Their motivation is to address safety concerns with picking up and dropping off children before and after school and to provide additional parking for their staff.
In the spirit of a friendly solution, ACGAS board has researched and proposed several alternative solutions, such as amending parking bans on the street, installing traffic calming measures, and starting a crossing guard program.
If you would like to share your thoughts about the community, trees, food security, pollinators, climate resilience, access to green spaces, and the well-being of residents of Acadia by keeping the food forest as it is, please join us in opposing the paving of the food forest!
We have the following documents available to help you create your letter, know who and where to send your comments, and understanding the situation in greater detail:
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Email template and contact addresses
- Sample letter points
- Letter template
If you would like access to these documents please send an email to our acting President, Melissa Paquette at president@growingacadia.ca and she will send you the package!
Thank you,
Your board of directors