The Acadia Community Garden & Art Society’s Annual General Meeting 2017

Please join us for the upcoming annual general meeting so we can get to know you this 2017!

Time: 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Date: Monday, April 10, 2017
Place: Calgary Co-op Macleod Trail, Community Room (upstairs) 8818 Macleod Trail SE

Everyone is welcome – friends of the garden, past, current or interested gardeners, volunteers or anyone who is curious about us.

Hope to see you there!

Acadia Garden and Art Society, Board of Directors

I’m going to tell you a story- Open Letter from Acadia Garden and Art Society

I’m going to tell you a story.

I live in a city where people often don’t know their neighbours. I’m not sure that’s a point of pride for most, we are still prairie folk after all (that means generally friendly, for those of you who haven’t had the pleasure of living on the prairies). No, I think it’s because we’re a busy city. There’s hustle and there’s bustle.  Continue reading “I’m going to tell you a story- Open Letter from Acadia Garden and Art Society”

McDougall United Church: Planting Seeds In Our Community

 The McDougall United Church has partnered with our organization many times, through their gracious fundraising efforts and their continued support of our shared values. Most recently they have launched a community initiative to build boxes to promote a healthy lifestyle for at-risk families.

Continue reading “McDougall United Church: Planting Seeds In Our Community”

Hello Acadia Article May 2016

Article published in Hello Acadia for April 2016 by gardener and writer, Joanne Klein:

Hello Acadia article for May 2016:

It may not be an actual jungle out there, but it might as well be.

Animals, including humans, have it easy. Most of us have legs or some other method of propulsion. If we’re attacked, we respond with movement. Plants don’t have the same luxury. If they’re attacked, they have to resort to things like chemical warfare or the deployment of insect armies in order to retaliate. Actually, we humans may have more in common with plants than originally thought.

Continue reading “Hello Acadia Article May 2016”