Hello neighbours,
As our AGM approaches, I am reflecting on why we volunteer at our Garden. For some it is to improve their resume, or they’re new to the community and want to get to know others, some wish to share their gifts of skill and knowledge, or maybe they just want to get out and do something interesting or fulfilling. I think most volunteers will agree that whatever the reason, the rewards have been greater than the effort.
For myself, I grew up in a small town in the interior of BC called Nakusp. As much as I love the vibrancy and choice that comes with living in Calgary, I miss that tight sense of community. So, when my wonderful friend, Corinne Sandhurst told me that she and small group of people wanted to start a Community Garden, I thought it sounded interesting. It combined my love of gardening and my desire to be part of a small community. In 2012, we started with seven beds and around 10 people (including some sympathetic friends and partners!) Corinne’s husband, Geoff is a talented artist and we observed that there weren’t a lot of connections for artists in our area. Why not combine them? Gardening is an artform – right?
Even though we didn’t have a lot of people, we were definitely not short on ideas. It seemed that when one idea popped up, it naturally led to the next. Let’s… paint the murals on the bench and the shed, have a community event to paint a street mural, lawn chair theatre, Free Little Library, start a fruit forest, plant pollinator attracting native flowers and mason bee homes, build a community bulletin board, get involved in supporting the needs of our community – oh and did I mention build more raised beds? We now have 42 raised beds, a strawberry planter, raspberry beds and the permaculture-based food forest in progress, not to mention all the artsy things on the go.
Now in 2021, I look back and am amazed how much has been accomplished at our little community garden. It has been so fulfilling and inspiring to see how other people have added new and exciting dimensions to what has already been done. There is a sense of family, friendship, joy, and FUN that has come our way. The vision has taken on a life of its own that has an energy that I have rarely found elsewhere. The depth of knowledge and skill within our organization is breathtaking. We now have 15 Board members, each of whom brings a different perspective or expertise. (Hint – you don’t have to rent a raised garden bed to get involved).
Perhaps you would like to join this synergetic community? We love to welcome new people and one thing we really love is trying out new ideas and activities!
If this appeals to you, feel free to join us at our AGM or contact us. See details below:
Please note: Events are subject to change and will be held according to Covid safety guidelines and restrictions.
- AGM – Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 6:30
- This will be held via Zoom. You don’t need to be a gardener or member to attend. If you’re curious about what we do, you are most welcome to join us. Contact us at info@growingacadia.ca for the Zoom link.
- Garden & Art Tour – Saturday, August 14
- Unfortunately, we had to cancel this event last year. We are hopeful that we will be able to go ahead this summer. Everything will be outside, and all safety precautions will be implemented. If you’re interested in getting involved or being a host, please see below for our contact information.
- May 11 – Growing Great Garden Soil at Acadia Community Garden – $25
- What is soil?; physical, chemical, biological properties; soil food web- what it is and the critters that we need; our native soil; what annual vegetable gardens need for soil; what perennial gardens require in their soil; soil amendments and fertilizers; growing medium for containers; cultural methods to improve soil- no till, mulching, weeding, cover cropping, composting; when to do what to your soil.
- Everyone is welcome – For more details and to register for a class either search for Garden On! at Eventbrite or use the following link:
Laurie Vanderwal
Vice President
Acadia Community Garden & Art Society is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination and harassment, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, can contribute fully and have equal opportunities. If you experience any discrimination or harassment, please contact us on our phone or media sites.