Grant Contest Deadline October 10th, Vote Now!

Enrichment of the Native Plant & Pollinator Garden:

Worldwide, pollinator populations are in decline. At the Acadia Community Garden & Art Society, we’ve made it a priority to raise awareness around this issue by creating a pollinator-friendly habitat and growing space for all of our neighbours, whether they walk on 6 legs or 2.  Continue reading “Grant Contest Deadline October 10th, Vote Now!”

McDougall United Church: Planting Seeds In Our Community

 The McDougall United Church has partnered with our organization many times, through their gracious fundraising efforts and their continued support of our shared values. Most recently they have launched a community initiative to build boxes to promote a healthy lifestyle for at-risk families.

Continue reading “McDougall United Church: Planting Seeds In Our Community”

Multicultural Upick beds

Multicultural Upick Beds – Growing Together

The theme this year is the Philippines! We are excited to start researching plants that might grow in both Calgary and the Philippines, and ideas of what can be grown in Calgary as substitutes for plants commonly found in Philippine cooking. We also are collecting trivia, history, recipes, etc on all things Filipino to share on social media, our community bulletin board and website.  If you have ideas, thoughts, tidbits to share please send them  or join in the conversations that will be starting on social media.  We are also looking for volunteers to maintain these community upick beds.

Upcoming Event: Community Sign Raising: May 7th

May 7th is the community sign raising – all are welcome to watch or help set up the community bulletin board and garden sign.

The event is from 9 am until 12 noon. Donations of refundable pop bottles/can are being accepted at this time also to help us “grow the garden” and pay our annual insurance.

May 7th 1:00 – 3:00 pm (after the sign raising event) is the gardeners/volunteers afternoon picnic and orientation – its a chance to get to know each other and play some old fashioned games in the garden. Bring your picnic and lawn chairs/blankets and any outdoor games you might like to play.